Amid this devastating situation and the growing tendency to cancel the dissenter and dissident, Christians are encouraged to discern the times in which we live so we can offer an alternative to the prevailing situation. We are not to shrink, hide, or run away from a prevalent post-Christian pagan culture. Instead, we are encouraged to find ways to challenge and connect with this new frame of mind. The gospel is never obsolete; it can reach and speak to every society in the situation where it happens to be, as it has been proven in the last two thousand years. The truth is always the truth, and it is relevant for every society at any given time in history, no matter how evil, pagan, or secular.
Coming to terms with the fact that the Christian paradigm has disappeared from the West, Christians must realize that the ground must be prepared to present the gospel message. An atmosphere of intellectual sanity and common sense must be produced, which will facilitate sound and free social discourse. It is in this respect that the arts and humanities can become effective means. The arts and humanities can contribute to producing a platform where the exchange of ideas and their discussion and debate can occur.
The aesthetic experience touches the most sensible chords of our human nature, arousing our emotions and stirring our desire to search for all that is beautiful, good, and truthful. This is so because the creative gift, by its very nature and through its various artistic means, inspires and uplifts the soul into the realm of the non-material and transcendental, helping prepare the ground for spiritual awakening.